Promote your Indie Music Channel Page

Your Indie Music Channel Artist Page is one of your most powerful tools when it comes to promoting yourself and your music.  From your Artist Page, not only can you promote your music, pictures and videos, connect with friends and fans via Facebook and Twitter, but you can do a whole lot more!  

For instance, you can videotape a weekly music show featuring you and/or your band playing “LIVE” and broadcast it from your Indie Music Channel Artist Page for all of your fans to watch!  The Indie Music Channel will even help promote your broadcast for free from the IMC home page!  The list of things that you can do from your Indie Music Channel Artist Page is virtually endless!

Also, be sure to promote your Indie Music Channel Artist Page by placing the address link to your page at the bottom of all your emails, on your website, etc. 


You can also "copy & paste" the IMC icon logo below and post on your other sites

to tell the world where they can find you and your music! 


When you want to post a video on your Artist Page, be sure to post it via the VIDEO link at the top of the page.  That way the Indie Music Channel can feature and promote your video on the Indie Music Channel home page! 


To load your video so that it displays in the IMC Video Player on your Artist Page:

1) Click on the “VIDEOS” link at the top of your page

2) Click on the “My Videos” link on the upper left of the page

3) Click on the “+ ADD” link on the upper right of the page

4) Click on the “embed video” link on the bottom left for You Tube videos, etc.   You can also add videos that are stored on your computer by clicking on “Click to Add Videos”. 

Be sure to click on “Save”
at the bottom of all pages when you make any changes!

Promoting your Music & Videos

The Indie Music Channel takes great pride in having one of the BEST music players and video players around! 
Be sure to post your music and videos on your Artist Page.  You can post up to 100 songs in the music player on your Artist Page, along with graphics for each song!

You can also post pictures and videos on your Artist Page. 

Page Design

Your page is completely customizable! 

In the upper left hand corner of your page is a really small Tool icon.
Click on the Tool icon and up will pop a page filled with all kinds of options! 
Play with different designs, colors, etc!  The choices are virtually endless!

1) Go to your Artist Page,
2) Click on “Settings” on the right side of your page
3) Click on the “My Page” link
4) Scroll down to the “Address” heading,
you will see a box where you can change the URL of your page to the name that you want.  
Be sure to click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page when you are done!


If you look at some of the pages of artists on the Indie Music Channel, you may wonder how they got so many "Friends" on their page. 

It's called "networking" and you gotta take the time to do it!  Not only will you increase the number of friends on your page, you will make some new friends in your life, as well as create the opportunity to grow as an artist.  

Take the time to get to know some of the other artists on the Indie Music Channel.  Networking and building new friendships with other artists is one of the best things that you can do as an indie artist.

Make it a point to visit at least 10 other Artist Pages a week. You can check out their music, send them a message, write on their wall, or simply “add” them as a friend!   Everything in the music business is about networking and getting to know other people.  There are thousands of artists on the Indie Music Channel from all over the world, so take some time to say “Hi”!

Be sure to allow emails
from the Indie Music Channel

Network, Network, Network!

Don’t worry, we don’t send out a lot of emails to our members, but when we do, we feel that it contains some pretty important information that you need to know about. 

Sometimes they are emails announcing cool new features to the Indie Music Channel.   Sometimes they are emails announcing opportunities for gigging, radio airplay, etc.   

Either way, you want to be sure to get those emails.

Under the same “Setting” link on your page, click on “Email”, scroll down to the bottom of the page and make sure that the box that says
“I don’t want to receive emails from Indie Music Channel” is 

Again, we seldom send out emails, but when we do, they are important and you want to receive them!

Be sure to click on “Save” at the bottom of all pages
when you make any changes!

If you signed up for an Artist Page on the Indie Music Channel and the URL/web page name is not in your

Artist name or your band’s name (or it is not in the name that you want), that’s ok, you can easily change it. 

To do so:

I would like to welcome you to the Indie Music Channel!

As an indie artist, you are now connected to one of the coolest, and most important, sites around that is truly geared to helping you get your music into the hands, and ears, of music lovers from around the world.  You are making music that deserves to be heard by music fans everywhere, and through the Indie Music Channel, we are dedicated to helping you do just that, without the RESTRAINTS of commercial radio, TV and other media outlets. 

We are the channel totally geared to showcasing independent music –
we are the Indie Music Channel!

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message
and my staff and I will help you any way we can!


Christopher Ewing


Indie Music Channel

Indie Music Hall Of Fame

Here's how to move it:

1) Place your cursor over the title bar of the music player and it will turn into a 4-pointed arrow

2) "Click & Drag" the player into the center of your page, closer to the top of the page.



This is how we find music to feature on the IMC. 
It is also how other industry leaders find out more about you and your music.

By default, the music player on your page is located on the left hand side of the page, but it doesn't have to stay there.  It is better to make it larger and more visible by moving it to the center of your page.  


To do so, just drag your music player into the middle of your Artist Page. 
That way, visitors to your page can read the entire title of your song. 
You can even place a photo for each song in the music player! 

Make sure that the URL of your Indie Music Channel Artist Page
is in your Artist Name or Band Name.

Now that you are a member, below are a bunch of tips that will help promote you and your music:

Naming your Artist Page
Be sure that the URL name of your page
in your Artist Name or Band Name

 Make sure that the "Artist or Band Name" box is filled in:

1) Go to your Artist Page
2) Click on “Settings” on the right side of your page
3) Fill in the Artist or Band Name box

Be sure to click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page when you are done!​​